How to Stand Out from The Rest With Your CV/Resume?

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High level of competition in the job market is one inevitable thing that every job seeker faces. This means that employers are overwhelmed with hundreds, if not thousands, of CVs or resumes. Your challenge is, if you are looking for a job, how to make your CV or resume stand out so that it lands on top of the pile. Surely you don’t want your CV to land at the bottom right?


Here’s our advice on how to make your CV or resume stand out from the crowd:

  • Make sure your CV doesn’t have typos

resume typos

Most recruiters hate poor spelling. Having typos in your CV, even if it’s just one minor typo, implies that you lack the ability to pay attention to details. Attention to detail is regarded as important in almost every job. Having spelling mistakes in your CV definitely does not look good.

  • Your CV/resume must be clear, concise and structured

Receiving too many CVs from job applicants, there is no way that recruiters are going to read through everything in your CV. What recruiters usually do is scanning your CV. If your CV catches their attention the first time they see it, then your CV is going to be examined more carefully. If not, then it’s a bye-bye. Therefore, make your CV clear and structured is extremely important. When structuring your ideas, make sure that you use clear titles and write in short paragraphs.

  • Go for a top-heavy CV

You already know that recruiters only scan your CV the first time they read it. So, your achievements, relevant work experience and education background should all be on the front page. You should remember that your CV is your opportunity to sell yourself on what makes you the right and best person for the job. Therefore you have to make sure that your best selling points are right at the top. If you are a fresh grad without any professional experience, put the emphasis on education. But if you are a professional, put the most relevant experience first, because that’s what makes your recruiter interested.

  • Make sure you understand the role the employer is looking for

Every job seeker must avoid making this mistake: a CV that fits all job categories. You should tailor your CV for the role the employer is looking for. If that means writing a slightly different CV and cover letter, then that’s what you have to do. Some experience or training might be more relevant for one job compared to another. You have to read the job description carefully.

read job description

  • Describe pro-actively

Pro-active descriptions are useful for professional experience and responsibilities. Include the situation, task, action and result. Use relevant keywords when describing. One thing to note, it’s best to use quantifiers whenever possible. It’s not really clear when you say you’re excellent at something. Back it up by giving something concrete.

  • Never lie

Let the recruiter know about your achievements, we really recommend it. But one thing that you must bear in mind, don’t lie. Never ever lie. For example, if you brag about earning a first class degree from the University of Cambridge, and the recruiter decides to do a background check and finds out that you lie, you will be in a really serious trouble. Almost all employers are going to verify some points written on your CV, but you don’t know which points they are going to check. So, the best thing you can do is to tell them the truth.

never lie

Artikel Highlight : 50 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja

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