Say Yes To Vegetables? Yep You Can!

Vegetables vs. meats… which one is going to win? Most likely meats. Why? Because people say they are more delicious than vegetables. Is it true? No, not entirely. Vegetables can be delicious too, that if you know the tricks. Besides, vegetables can give you more benefits compared to meat products. We know that a lot of people hate vegetables. If you are one of those people, then you know that you are not alone. Hating vegetables, however, does your body no good. You can say ‘I like eating fruits. Fruits are healthy. That should be enough right?’ Well, we beg to differ with your statement. Yes, fruits are good for your body, but if you eat too many fruits in one day, you give yourself a lot of sugar. That’s why you have to eat vegetables. So, how do you make yourself love vegetables? Here are our top three tips:

1.Never eat plain vegetables

We don’t advise you to eat raw, boiled or steamed vegetables only because plain vegetables do not taste good at all. Trying to eat plain vegetables is the reason a lot of people hate vegetables. You don’t have to suffer just to be healthy. For example, you can pour a healthy sauce over your vegetables, add some lemon or butter, or have grated cheese to go with the vegs. You can also mix your vegetables with other foods. Add a lot of carrots, peas and spinach to your soup, mix brocolli with macaroni and cheese, or slice a cucumber as your fried rice dressing. One thing you should know about vegetables is that it’s not complicated to make your vegetables taste delicious. Most vegetables taste great with only pepper, a little salt and garlic. Just be creative in preparing your meal.

2.Add small amounts of vegetable to every meal

If you are really serious about wanting to be healthier by starting to eat vegetables, then vegetables should be included in every meal. If possible, you can start eating salad or some servings of vegetables instead of a heavy meal for dinner. There is a realy good statement that you can use as a reference: ‘Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.’

3. Choose vegetables-packed dishes when you eat out

You can start order vegetarian meal or vegetable side dish if you never did before. Great restaurants and cafes know how to make vegetables taste really good.

Healthy lifestyle begins with small changes, one at a time.

eat your vegetables

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