Stop Believing These 7 Myths About Writers!

When it comes to writing, there are many myths that people believe in. Here are the most popular ones:

  1. Good writers are born that way

Some writers are naturally more talented than other writers, but even those talented writers have to work hard to develop their writing skills. Everyone can be great at what they are doing if they put blood, sweat and tears. Good writers are not born that way.

2. Writing is easy for real writers

Writing never gets easier with time, it just gets faster. It takes ruthless introspection and objective observation, and you should know that they are never easy to do.

3. A lot of reading –> a better writer

reading books

Think about it again, reading won’t make you a better writer, reading will make you a better reader. You will become a better writer if you practice writing a lot.

4. Writers are introverts

This statement may be true for some writers. But since it applies only to some writers, this myth is not entirely true. There are many writers out there who are very extroverts. Just because writers can control how they express themselves with the privilege to making changes of their words prior to sharing what they write with other people, doesn’t mean that they are introverts.

5. This writing method is better than that method

No, it does not work like that. There’s no such thing as the most perfect writing method. There are plenty of writing methods, feel free to explore. Don’t use method A just because successful authors use it but you don’t actually like the method. Every writer has their own personalities, so use your preferred methodology. Depending on the story you are going to write, you can choose the method that is most effective for the story.

6. All writers are grammar freaks

grammar freak

Similar to point 4, this statement does not apply to all writers. Some writers do have extensive knowledge of grammar – they understand every single rule of grammar. However, not every writer can write with perfect English grammar. They have editors to check and make changes on their writings.

7. Writers wait for inspiration to start writing

If all writers wait for inspiration before they really start writing, then we won’t have a lot of reading materials to read by now.

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