Decorating A Kid-Friendly Living Room


Having kids can sometimes be challenging. Maintaining a lovely living room, where kids usually spend their time playing, can be even more challenging. You want to keep your living room beautiful, but with kids around…it does not seem possible to do. Well if you think so, we are here to bring you good news. Look at our tips below to create a kid-friendly living room.


When decorating a kid-friendly living room, there are some things that you have to pay attention to:

  • The floor. A few things such as dirt and spills are inevitable, especially with kids here and there. If you have pet, maybe a dog or a cat, their hair would also be everywhere. The best thing you can do about the flooring is by keeping things as simple as possible. It would be best for you to install laminate, vinyl, wood or tile as they are washable. Or, if you prefer to use carpets, consider using carpet tiles for easy cleaning and replacement.
  • The walls. It is normal for kids to express their love for arts on the papers, tables or walls, basically everywhere. If they do draw on the walls, it will be homework for you if you do not choose a washable paint. You can easily clean a paint colour in satin, semigloss or eggshell simply with a damp rag and mild soap. Or, you can also choose a flat paint. Nowadays, there are even more washable flat paints that you can purchase in the market. You can easily clean them by using damp sponge.
  • The coffee tables. One of the must-have items in the living room is coffee table. For the safety of your children, we recommend you to use a round table instead of the rectangle one. Alternatively, you can also use upholstered ottoman.
  • The couches. Leather, sunbrella fabrics or slip-covered, whichever materials you choose would be fine. One thing that you should probably keep in mind is colour. Since you have kids in the house, it is better to use darker than bright colours. Beautify your couches with personalized pillows. Kids like pillows with their names and birthdays written on the pillows. It is best to have soft and versatile couches so everyone can sit on them without any problem. Talking about seating options, you might wanna consider having window seats. Window seats make excellent storage for toys and games.
  • The accessories. Be fun, not boring. Having a gallery that displays the artwork of your kids is a great idea. If you are also into art, why not display your own artwork too? Or, engage in family crafts. Providing colourful art supplies would also be cool. Your kids would love those colourful things and your living room would look more vivid!

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