7 Awesome Gift Ideas for A Bookworm, Other Than Actual Books

Is one of your friends a bookworm? Their life would not be meaningful without books. When you wanted to give them something, did you ever feel confused about what to give, other than books? Actually there are plenty of alternative gifts that you can give. Here are seven gift ideas for a bookworm, which we think are really awesome:

1. Unique bookmark


Every bookworm will certainly like this one gift: bookmark. If you know what their favourite thing is, you can try to find a bookmark with the picture of their faovurite object. But if you don’t know, you can give them a unique bookmark. Bookmark is easy to get.

2. Floating bookshelves


Wanna give something different to a book lover? Floating bookshelves may be an alternative. The invisible bookshelves will make a bookworm’s house or office look totally different.

3. Book-scented candle


Make a bookworm’s house smell like paper by giving them a book-scented candle. They will definitely love your gift.

4. Cool notepad

hadiah untuk pecinta buku - notepad uprint.id
Notepads – Products of Uprint.id

People who are into reading are usually into writing too. Therefore, you can give a bookworm a notepad or two. Uprint.id has a collection of uniquely designed notepads you will not find anywhere else.

5. Book bedding


Book bedding may be difficult to find. But it’s all about your willingness. If you really want to make a bookworm happy, then you will find it. If you can’t find it in stores, you can search for it on the internet and place an order.

6. Book pillow


Everyone needs to rest, including bookworms. You can give a book pillow as a gift for your bookworm friend.

In addition to giving a unique gift, giving a book pillow implies that you care about the bookworm. You give them a book pillow to remind them that they should not keep reading their books all time. They should get some rest. Tell them to rest their eyes for a while by sleeping their head on the pillow.

7. Wrapping paper book

hadiah untuk pecinta buku dari uprint.id
Wrapping Paper Books – Products Uprint.id

Another awesome gift that you can give to a bookworm is wrapping papers. You have no idea where you can get the wrapping papers? You can visit Uprint.id and browse this: wrapping paper books.

Also read: 6 Simple Ways to Show Appreciation, Because Appreciation Matters

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