10 Shocking Secrets About Airplanes that You Prefer Not to Know

Fly often? We’re about to reveal the shocking secrets about airplanes that you don’t want to know, and here are our top 10:

1. Your pilots and co-pilots are probably sleeping, just like you

Apparently it’s not only the passengers who love to sleep during the flight. Pilots are also sleeping about half time of the flight. What’s more shocking is that the co-pilots are asleep to, just like their partners.

2. The inflight headphones are not new

airplane headphone

Other than sleeping during the flight, another thing you can do is putting your headphones on and watching the movies or listening to the music. If you believe that the headphones provided to you are new, then sorry to disappoint you. They are not new even though they are wrapped up. They are only cleaned after use and repacked.

3. The oxygen masks work only for a while

If your oxygen mask drops automatically to help you breathe, the mask can only help you for about 15 minutes. Only 15 minutes, it’s that short. But 15 minutes should be enough for the pilot to take a plane to a lower altitude so that all passengers can breathe without difficulties. So, you don’t have to worry about this.

4. Lightning strikes airplanes all the time

lightning strikes plane

It is normal for an airplane to be struck by lightning. Fear nothing though, as it is rare that lightning causes airliner crash despite the fact that the lightning loves to hit airplanes.

5. You can unlock the lavatories from the outside

If you pay attention to the flight attendants, they will lock the lavatories from the outside during takeoff and landing. If the lavatories can be locked from the outside, they can be unlocked too. The lock mechanism is usually hidden behind the no smoking badge of the lavatory door.

6. You think your plane is clean?

Just like the headphones, the pillows and blankets of airplanes are not new or clean. After being used by other passengers, the pillows are repacked and the blankets are refolded and repacked. If you think about the drool of other passengers when they are sleeping…it’s best not to think about it. The seat pockets and tray tables top the list of the germiest places on the airplane.

7. Human organs or dead people are probably flying with you

You don’t need to be afraid about this one. The dead people will not disturb you and the human organs are kept safe aboard. Domestic flights are usually the ones that carry human organs or dead people on the planes.

8. What about electronic devices?

Having your electronic devices on will not actually bring the plane down. The reason you are asked to turn off your electronic devices is because they can be really annoying to the pilots. There’s not only one passenger on the plane, but hundreds. So, imagine a pilot hearing the interference of more than a hundred mobile phones trying to picking up a signal. A pilot may miss a clearance because of the disturbance.

9. Flight attendants love bribe

flight attendants bribe

Believe it or not, your flight attendants will be happy to get something like chocolate or candies from passengers. It doesn’t have to be something very expensive, as long as you are sincere. Give it to them not long after you board the plane. The flight attendants will appreciate your gift and you’ll be treated like a queen or king during the flight.

10. Think airplane seats have become smaller? It’s not only you

smaller airplane seats

The reason behind the smaller seats? They wanted to fill the space with more seats and the only thing they could do it is by decreasing the size of whatever they could, with regards to your seat, to have more space.

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