Want Lasting Relationships with Your Customers? Follow These 6 Proven Ways!

Customer relationships matter the most, that’s the fact. You have to realize that the new reality of the customer economy has changed. It’s no longer about transactions or money only, it’s about building and maintaining customer loyalty. You can say that your customers are loyal to you, you’ve never had problems with them. But are you confident enough to say that your customers are loyal to you because they really enjoy interacting with you and love your products very much, not because they want discounts or free stuffs from you? Building customer loyalty matters more than ever now. If you don’t want to lose customers, you have to create lasting relationships with them. How? By following these six proven ways:

  • Have an open communication

open communication

Communication plays a vital role in our lives. It’s just not possible to live without communicating with others. Have an open and effective communication with your customers. When they contact you, reply promptly and politely. Treat your customers like they’re family. Getting personal is actually good for your business. Going out to eat with your customers in a restaurant is a great idea to get to know them more. When you know your customers professionally and personally and they like you, the possibility of creating long-term bonds is much higher.

  • Engage with customers at the right time

customer engagement

Experience matters as much as the products you sell. Engage with your customers at the right time, make sure that they get all the supports they need without them having to ask. Even when your customers are not buying, stay in touch with them. It shows that you care about them, not just about their money. You can stay in touch by phone, email or through social media.

  • Be honest and don’t pretend to be someone you’re not


Honesty is one of the most important elements of all human relationships, and relationships in business are no exception. You have to be honest with your customers. Be honest about your skills, your capabilities, how long it will take to get the job done, etc. Don’t lie and never overpromise because there will only be disappointment later on and your customers will leave.

  • Don’t outsource customer service

customer service

To be successful in business you have to make customers love you. How can you make them love you? By providing excellent services. Make customer service a core competency in your business. Never outsource customer service. Train your customer service representatives well so that they are capable of solving problems and satisfying the needs of the customers. Encourage them to act like human, because people can differentiate between customer service reps who act sincerely and those who act like machines.

  • Just admit when you make mistakes

admit mistake

Traditional human relationships are important, even in business. If you make mistakes, simply admit that you’re wrong and apologise. Everyone makes mistakes, your customers will understand. All they want you to do is admitting your mistakes. It’s not that hard to to, isn’t it? That if you want to create long lasting relationships with your customers.

  • Know where you stand in customers’ lives


Lastly, in order to have lasting relationships with your customers, you have to know where you stand in their lives and don’t overestimate your importance. Listen to your customers and be thoughtful about them. Remember that you are not the center of the universe, you are not the queen or king. You have to realise that it is a privilege for you to be in their lives. You’re not the most important thing to them.

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