6 Best Apartment Dogs to Keep You Company

When it comes to choosing a dog to live with you in an apartment, what’s important is not only the size of the dog. There are other factors to be considered too, such as friendliness (you and your dog will meet other people and probably their pooches), noisiness (whether or not your pooch will disturb neighbours) and energy levels. Keeping those general traits in mind, here we present you the six best apartment dogs to keep you company:

  • Pug


Pug is undoubtedly a charmer, a perfect companion. It is playful, loyal and can quickly adapt to new environment and lifestyle. What’s more, pug is relatively low energy. You don’t need to worry about your pug disturbing the neighbor because pug is a generally quiet dog. But you need to know that a pug doesn’t like to be left alone. It needs to be close to its owner as much as possible because it cannot do well alone.

  • Bulldog


Don’t judge a book by its cover. Despite its frowning face, bulldog is actually good in nature and lovely. What’s best about having a bulldog in an apartment is that it is a very relaxed and restful animal. You might hear that bulldog is lazy. Well, that’s true. All you need to do is taking your bulldog for a very short walk and it’s enough to make it happy. If you decide to have a bulldog, you have to make sure that your apartment has air conditioner because it is a must for a bulldog to live in an air-conditoned environment.

  • French Bulldog

french bulldog

Similar to their English cousins, French bulldogs love afternoon naps and late mornings. They don’t need a great deal of exercise either. If you need a companion as well as a great watchdog, then a French bulldog is a perfect choice as it rarely barks without reason.

  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

cavalier king charles spaniel

Just look at the picture, isn’t the dog adorable? Small in size and cute in look, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an excellent apartment dog. This dog can live everywhere, including a studio apartment. Just give the dog plenty of belly rubs whenever you can and many treats, that’s all.

  • Havanese


Despite the need for regular grooming, Havanese’s exercise needs can be met easily. Weighing only around 10 to 15 pounds, this dog makes a perfect choice if you ever need a companion. Similar to pug, a Havanese is very attached to its owner. It will choose to stay inside with its owner rather than staying outdoor.

  • Greyhound


Were you surprised to see that greyhound is on the list? The greyhounds are known for their high energy, will they really be a perfect choice for small apartments? The answer is yes, that’s why this dog is on the list. The greyhounds have little need for space (any soft, comfortable spot is great for them) and they are friendly and calm in nature. Just take this dog for a brisk walk or a jog, and it will be happily satisfied.

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