5 Worst Mistakes To Avoid When Decorating A Tiny Apartment

decorating a tiny apartment

Tiny apartment means limited space, and limited space means careful planning, which includes design decisions. Tiny does not have to be dull and boring. Instead, it could definitely be cosy and charming, if you know how to decorate it. When decorating a tiny apartment, keep in mind to not make the following mistakes:


1.Not separating areas

Your apartment is tiny, there is not too much space. Yes, that is true. But that does not mean that you have to treat your apartment as one room. Divide your room into smaller zones. By doing it like that, you know the specific purpose of each zone. Make sure there are different areas for dining, sleeping, working and entertainment.

2.Not paying attention to furniture choice


When it comes to choosing furniture for your tiny apartment, there are two things that you must pay attention to: size and function. Don’t choose furniture that is too big or too small, as it can be a total disaster. Your apartment will look smaller than it actually is. Also, you need to think about the function of your furniture. If you can invest in multifunctional furniture, why not? For example, choose an ottoman as it can be used for storage too.

3.Playing safe

Do not play safe. Remember that. Go experiment with different colours and patterns to decorate your apartment. Believe it or not, choosing dramatic patterns will make your apartment look larger.

decorating tiny apartment

4.Not going vertical with storage

You’ve got a lot of stuffs. But living in a not-so-spacious apartment, you have to find a way to store your stuffs, unless you want to throw them away. The best way to make use of a space is by going vertical. If you want to keep all your stuffs, go for tall and narrow storage systems. Just don’t have a ton of anything, or eventually you will have no more space to store all of them.

5.Lack of light


To make small spaces more lively, multiple sources of light are recommended. Without enough lighting, a small apartment will look dismal.

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