Wanna Travel But on A Tight Budget? No Worries, Simply Follow These 9 Tips!

You love traveling and seeing the world and the beauty it has to offer. Unfortunately, you are on a very tight budget. No worries, budget should not be a problem if you follow these nine budget travel tips:

1. Do not travel during the high-peak season

budget travel tips avoid high peak season

If you are on a really tight budget, then it is best not to travel during the high-peak season. It’s gonna cost you much more if you travel during that season. Besides, what’s so great about seeing people’s heads everywhere? You can’t really enjoy your trip, can you?

2. Avoid touristy restaurants

budget travel tips cheap restaurants

It goes without saying that you are going to spend a lot more if you eat in touristy restaurants. So what can you do then? Go down a few blocks and eat where the local people eat.

3. Stay in low-budget accommodation

budget travel tips stay at cheap hotel

You will spend most of your time traveling to enjoy the beauty of the places you visit, so why stay in a starred hotel? Low-budget accommodation is an excellent choice.

Also read: Long Flight Sucks, How to Survive It?

4. Wallet-friendly airline is a must

budget travel tips cheap airline

Good airlines also offer low-price tickets. All you have to do are searching online and comparing the prices offered.

5. Bringing a water bottle is important

budget travel tips bring water bottle

In some countries, the tap water is safe to drink. Before you travel, check whether your destination country is one of those countries. If yes, don’t forget to bring your water bottle with you wherever you go. By doing so, you will save money. Water can be very expensive in certain countries.

6. Visit what’s free

budget travel tips: free sites

You should know that every country offers spots that tourists can enjoy for free. There are plenty of parks and museums that you can visit without having to buy entrance tickets. If you really want to visit sites that come with price tags, then choose only some that truly appeal to you.

Related article: Different Country, Different Culture: Remember These 16 Things Unless You Want to Get in Trouble!

7. No need to buy souvenirs

budget travel tips dont buy souvenirs

If you travel on a tight budget, we recommend you to just be honest with your friends. Tell them that they will not get any souvenirs from you. All you can share with them are pictures and experience.

8. Only bring what’s necessary

budget travel tips pack whats important

Don’t bring stuffs you won’t need during your trip for the sake of your own convenience. They are going to trouble you later.

9. Always plan ahead

budget travel tips: plan ahead

All the budget travel tips above will not work if you don’t plan everything ahead because the longer you wait, things get more expensive. Always be ahead of others. Plan everything ahead. Go search for tickets and accommodation long before your intended travel dates.

Those are all budget travel tips we have for you. Simply follow them, and you will be able to travel a few times a year.

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