You Think You’re Ready to Be A Full Time Freelance Graphic Designer? Know These 6 Signs First!

freelance designer

1.You are no longer loyal to your full time job

Did you ever find yourself cheating on your full time job? For example, you checked your phone during work just to reply to a freelance client or send proof to them. Or, maybe you used your lunch time to do your freelance work. If so, then it’s one sign that you are ready to be a full time freelance graphic designer, especially if you keep daydreaming about it.


2. You can’t stand normal tasks anymore

You are getting more and more bored with normal office tasks assigned to you. You feel like they are less challenging. You long for some changes. You want something different.

3. You’ve mastered your current role

Some people choose to be freelancers right after they graduated from universities, but their chances to be successful are lower compared to those who have already had professional experience and skills needed to be a successful freelancer. After working for a few years in a company, you are confident that you have now mastered your current role and gained valuable professional and skills to start working as a freelancer.

4. To live frugally is not a big deal for you

You probably get a high salary working as a graphic designer in a company. Make sure that you are ready to live frugally before you quit your full time job because it’s going to take a while before you start enjoying your success as a freelancer. So if you can’t imagine yourself living frugally, maybe it’s not a good idea to work freelance.

5. You want more risks than ever before

Working as a freelancer means more risks. If you don’t want to play safe anymore, then quitting your full time job is the best thing you can do. Because if not now then when?

6. You are sick of an average life

This last point is basically the summary of some of the points discussed above. Some people spend their whole lives working for the same company and they seem to enjoy it. Why? Because it’s their comfort zone, they don’t want to get out of it. Working long years in a company will give you stability, security and nice pension. But are you sure that it is what you really want? If you are sick of that kind of life, then it’s also a sign that you are ready to start working as a freelancer. Let yourself explore and try a lot of things. Don’t limit your potential.


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