Don’t Let Your Plants Die while On Vacation, Follow These 7 Ways to Keep Them Alive!

Are you planning on vacation but afraid that all your plants are going to die? We’ve got some tips for keeping them alive:

  • Out of direct sunlight


Put your plants in a sunny window, where they are exposed to the sun directly, and your plants will likely dry quickly. If you are going to be away for quite a while, say one to two weeks, it’s better to move your plants away from direct sunlight. One great spot where you can put your plants is behind windows with sheer curtains.

  • Use a potting mix with polymers

If you use a potting mix with polymers, your plants are going to stay alive because water is retained by the compounds so that whenever your plants are thirsty later, they can absorb the water.

  • Set time on sprinkler


Having a regular garden sprinkler is also a good idea. Set the timer on your sprinkler so that it can be on and off based on needs.

  • Turn thermostats down

This one applies for winter. If you are leaving in winter, where the weather is extremely cold, it’s best to turn your the thermostats down. Your plants will need water more frequently if they are exposed to direct heat, any kind of heat, not just the heat of the sun.

  • Make your own watering jugs

water jug

If you’ve got any plastic jugs or bottles at home, you can make use of them instead of throwing them away. If you don’t know how to make a watering jug, you can search online. There are plenty of websites that tell you how to do it.

  • Ask a friend for help

You can make arrangement with a friend to help you water your plants and make sure they are not dead when you are away on vacation. Next time your friend is away, offer your help to take care of their plants. That’s what friends are for, to help each other, right?

  • Hire a plant sitter

Last one, hire a plant sitter if you are going to be away for more than two weeks. Having someone that can attend to your plants three or four times a week is best.


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