Turn Your Kitchen into A Mexican Style Kitchen


What are the first three words that come to your mind when you hear the word ‘Mexican’? Inviting, warm and spicy? Yes, definitely! Did you ever think about turning your kitchen into a Mexican style kitchen? If you’ve never had a thought about it, we recommend you to do so. Change is what you need sometimes, right? We love Mexican style a lot, and we are here to tell you how to have a Mexican-themed kitchen:


  • Bold colours

Mexico is rich of vibrant culture and flair. That’s why you have to choose bold and dramatic colours, such as yellow, gold, red and blue. These colours will bring such a lively and warm atmosphere to your kitchen, exactly the Mexican style. You can paint your walls yellow, have red or blue cabinets and earthy gold accents.

  • Flooring

One thing to remember about flooring, floor tiles should have a regular motif. Popular colours to choose include terracotta or orange on black. Alternatively, you can use wide-planked wood to achieve warm and naturally beautiful ambiance.

mexican tiles

  • Ceiling

Just like the flooring, the ceiling of your kitchen goes best with terracotta tiles for an overall warmth of your kitchen. If the colour of your ceiling right now is plain white paint, you will have to consider tiling it because white is not very Mexican.

  • Surfaces

The top two choices for countertops are granite, followed by marble. Tile your sink and countertop surfaces with Mexican-inspired motifs, so that whenever people come to your kitchen, they will know immediately that they are in a Mexican-themed room.

mexican motifs

  • Mexican accessories

If you watch telenovelas at home and pay attention to scenes in the kitchen, you know that a typical Mexican kitchen always has a bowl of fruits on the kitchen table. What’s more, you may also notice that the Mexicans love their cabinets open-faced with plates and mugs sitting on shelves. To make your kitchen an authentic Mexican one, you can also decorate it with sombrero hats, hanging Mexican artwork or Mexican-style salt and pepper shakers.

mexican salt pepper shakers

To the Mexicans, kitchen plays a central role, which is why kitchens are at the heart of their homes. When family members or guests are coming to visit, don’t forget to prepare the scrumptious and spicy Mexican meals as part of the entertainment.

mexican nachos


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