4 Reasons Paper Notebook Is Superior to Digital Notebook When It Comes to Taking Notes

When it comes to taking notes, which method will you choose, a paper notebook or a digital notebook? Most people, in this digital era, prefer to use digital notebook. Their reasons are varied. But, we prefer paper notebook to take notes. Why? There are four reasons paper notebook is superior to digital notebook for taking notes:

1. We are more focused when we write on a paper notebook

Basically human can easily get sidetracked. When given something nice, people will be distracted easily and quickly.

There are quite a lot of temptations when we choose digital notebook to take notes. Internet and social media are the two biggest temptations. Instead of taking notes, we are doing something else, such as checking our Facebook account and looking at pictures on Instagram.

Even when there is no internet connection, digital notebook remains a distraction. For example, it is very likely that we will be tempted to play the installed games.

It’s completely different with pen and paper notebook. With only those two in front of us, there is no temptation. Thus, we will focus more on taking notes.

Notebooks - Products of Uprint.id
Notebooks – Products of Uprint.id

2. Unlike typing, writing encourages us to think

Many studies have shown that when we take notes by typing on our digital notebook, we transcribe information without processing and analysing the information first. We listen, but we do not think.

What about writing? Writing is slower compared to typing. However, when writing, we think because we don’t write down every single word. We tend to be selective, we jot down only important information. Each of us has our own writing style. For example we use marks and symbols that nobody else can understand but ourself.

Notebooks - Products of Uprint.id
Notebooks – Products of Uprint.id

3. Paper notebook does not need charging and maintenance

Digital notebook requires electric power to function properly. Moreover, digital notebook also requires maintenance. This makes digital notebook less nice compared to paper notebook.

Paper notebook does not need maintenance and electric power, you just need to keep it in a safe place, for example in a place far away from water.

Notebooks - Products of Uprint.id
Notebooks – Products of Uprint.id

4. Paper notebook is more practical and handy

In addition to point 3, the size and weight of paper notebook make it more practical to carry everywhere.

Notebooks - Products of Uprint.id
Notebooks – Products of Uprint.id

Also read: 6 Simple Ways to Show Appreciation, Because Appreciation Matters

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