How to Say Thank You Appropriately? 5 Things to Remember

There are plenty of motivations to express your gratitude. Maybe someone was there to help you get through a difficult time, or someone gave you something that you had always wanted, or you just want to appreciate a friend or a colleague. Whatever your reason is, you have to express your gratitude sincerely.

One favourite way to express gratitude is through a thank you card. But, how to say thank you in a card appropriately? Here are five things you should remember:

1. Start with a different greeting, but it should still be a warm one

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Avoid writing something like “Dear Uncle Steven!” as a greeting. You can write something different but warm and special, something like “Dear Uncle Steven, you understand me best, you always know what I need!” Show them how much you are grateful right at the beginning.

2. Be straight to the point

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You don’t need to beat around the bush, just get to the point. Don’t write too beautiful words, unless you are writing your lover. If that’s the case, it is alright to write a poetry.

3. Discuss the use in specific

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Everyone’s case is different. What is important is that you need to explain the reasons for thanking them.

If you are grateful for a gift, then you can tell the giver about how you will use their gift and why you love it so much.

Or, if you want to express your gratitude to a person who was there when you needed someone, then tell them how you feel about their moral support.

4. Do not talk about you and your life

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The only function of a thank you card is to serve as a medium for you to express your gratitude to a person for their kindness. So, use a thank you card properly. Some people talk about what’s going on in their life in the card, which is really not necessary. If you want to talk about yourself and your life, meet up with them or chat on the phone or via a messenger.

5. End with something lovely

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A warm opening should have a warm closing too. Do not forget to write your name in the card. For example, you can write something like this: “With all my love, Ipi.”

Other points you should also remember:

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Thank You Card – Product of
  • If you use a thank you card, write it yourself, no typing.
  • Sometimes, a thank you card is not enough, if you feel that they were very kind to you.

Also read: 6 Simple Ways to Show Appreciation, Because Appreciation Matters

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