3 Traditional Marketing Strategies You Should Never Underestimate

Digital era does not mean that everything must be digital. If you are planning on promoting your products, digital marketing is simply not enough. There are three traditional marketing strategies that you should never underestimate. What are they?

1. Marketing through radio and television


Television and radio are our friends, they bring colour to our lives. Despite the fact that digital media have taken over our lives, it is very unlikely that people can live without radio and television.

As such, you should not miss marketing through radio and television. This traditional marketing strategy can reach a great number of audience in a relatively short time.

One thing you should take into account when you want to promote your business on the radio and television is that your advertisement should appeal to audience. Your ad should be able to encourage people to take action after listening and watching your ad.

2. Direct mail marketing

strategi pemasaran - traditional marketing strategy
Printed at Uprint.id

Believe it or not, direct mail marketing is not dead. Instead, it helps increase sales. Promote your business from door to door by distributing brochures, catalogues and other promotion tools. Simply put your prints in people’s mailboxes.

3. Marketing at Public Places

tips mendesain flyer - strategi pemasaran tradisional

The last traditional marketing strategy you should not miss is promotion at public places through posters, flyers, banners, business cards and other promotion tools. They prove to be effective as long as you include the right elements.

Where can you print high quality posters, flyers, brochures, and other marketing tools? Uprint.id is your printing solution. In addition to getting high quality products, you will find that printing at Uprint.id is very convenient, quick and easy because Uprint.id is an online based printing company.

Also read: How Colour Choice Affects Marketing & Branding

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